
    Associate professor at College of International Economics & Trade, Ningbo University of Finance & Economics


    Wechat: ppqqww321 E-mail: pangqw@nbufe.edu.cn Tel. 18258767715 ORCID: 0000-0002-4155-4013

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    Qiwei Pang is currently an Associate Professor at College of International Economics & Trade, Ningbo University of Finance & Economics, China. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Economics, Sejong University, South Korea. He is also the director of the Academic Degree Office, in charge of the development and construction of disciplines.

    He serves as an editorial board member at Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology (Scopus) and Global Academic Frontiers. His research interests focus on supply chain sustainability, maritime management, and emerging technology applications. He has led and participated in several provincial and municipal research projects, notably including the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China and the Zhejiang Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project.

    His research has been published in various international journals, including the Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Maritime Policy & Management, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Current Issues in Tourism, among others. He has received two provincial level scientific research achievement awards.

    Furthermore, he is also the course director for Multinational Corporation Management, Digital Trade, and Investment and Financing.

    庞其炜,经济学博士,副教授,现任宁波财经学院国际经济贸易学院学科(申硕)办主任,博士毕业于韩国世宗大学经济学系,广泛从事于供应链可持续性、航运管理、新兴技术应用等相关研究。担任 Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology (Scopus); Global Academic Frontiers 编委成员,兼任20余家国际核心期刊审稿专家,累计为学术界审稿50余次。公开发表学术论文25篇,出版专著2部,累计主持和参与省市级科研课题10余项,其中包括教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金与浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题。研究成果获省市级成果奖3项。成果主要发表在 Journal of Enterprise Information Management; Maritime Policy & Management; Resources, Conservation and Recycling; Technology Analysis & Strategic Management; Current Issues in Tourism 等 SCI/SSCI 来源刊物。担任跨国公司经营与管理、数字贸易学、以及投资与理财的课程负责人。

  • Affiliations

    December 2024 - Now: Associate Professor at the College of International Economics & Trade, Ningbo University of Finance & Economics, China.

    2024年12月至今:宁波财经学院 国际经济贸易学院 副教授


    December 2022 - December 2024: Assistant Professor at the College of International Economics & Trade, Ningbo University of Finance & Economics, China.

    2022年12月至2024年12月:宁波财经学院 国际经济贸易学院 讲师


    September 2018 - August 2022: PhD in Economics, Department of Economics, Sejong University, South Korea.

    2018年9月至2022年8月:世宗大学经济系 经济学博士

  • Professional Services

    Academic Editors and Memberships

    Editorial Board Member, Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology (Scopus)

    Editorial Board Member, Global Academic Frontiers

    Guest Editor, Frontiers in Public Health (SSCI)

    Guest Editor, Frontiers in Environmental Science (SCI)

    Researcher, Zhejiang Qiushi Economy & Management Academy of Science

    Member, Chinese Society for Technology Economics

    Journal Referee

    Current issues in tourism

    International journal of human-computer interaction

    Travel Behaviour and Society

    The Asian journal of Shipping and Logistics

    Sustainable Development

    Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics

    Marine Pollution Bulletin

    BMC Health Services Research

    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research

    Behavioral Sciences



    Frontiers in Public Health

    Scientific Reports


  • Research Interests 

    • Supply chain sustainability
    • Maritime management
    • Emerging technology applications

  • Publications

    Pang, Q., Cai, L., Wang, X., & Fang, M. (2024). Digital transformation as the fuel for sailing toward sustainable success: the roles of coordination mechanisms and social norms. Journal of Enterprise Information Management,37(3), 1069-1096.

    Pang, Q., Lai, P. L., Su, M., Xing, J., & Fang, M. (2025). Talk is cheap; Show me the code: managing the sustainable performance of shipping firms through big data analytics. Maritime Policy & Management, 1-16.

    Pang, Q., Zhang, M., Yuen, K. F., & Fang, M. (2024). When the winds of change blow: an empirical investigation of ChatGPT's usage behaviour. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-15.

    Pang, Q., Fang, M., Wang, L., Mi, K., & Su, M. (2023).Increasing couriers' job satisfaction through social-sustainability practices: perceived fairness and psychological-safety perspectives. Behavioral Sciences, 13(2),125.

    Pang, Q., Meng, H., Fang, M., Xing, J., & Yao, J. (2021). Social distancing, health concerns, and digitally empowered consumption behavior under COVID-19: a study on livestream shopping technology. Frontiers in Public Health, 9,748048.

    Pang, Q., Wang, L., Yao, J., Yuen, K. F., Su, M., & Fang, M.(2023). Smoking cessation policy and treatments derived from the protective motivation of smokers: a study on graphic health warning labels. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1205321.

    Wang, R., Xu, S., Li, S., Pang, Q*. (2024). Research on Influence Mechanism of Consumer Satisfaction Evaluation Behavior Based on Grounded Theory in Social E-Commerce. Systems, 12(12).

    Su, M., Pang, Q., Kim, W., Yao, J., & Fang, M. (2023). Consumer participation in reusable resource allocation schemes: A theoretical conceptualization and empirical examination of Korean consumers. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 189, 106747.

    Yao, J., Wang, L., Pang, Q., & Fang, M. (2024). Coupling coordination and spatial analyses of the MICE and tourism industries: do they fit well? Current Issues in Tourism, 27(17), 2783-2796.

    Kim, W., Fang, M., Pang, Q., & Su, M. (2023). SME innovation, supply chain strategy fit and business performance: the moderating role of environmental uncertainty. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-14.

    Yang, Y., Pang, Q., Yao, J., Zhang, M., & Arzo, S. (2025). Building green bridges: unveiling the impact of green technologies on circular practices, resource efficiency, and sustainability in GVCs influencing SDGs. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 1-17.

    Xing, J., Shen, J., Pang, Q., Fang, M., & Chen, H. (2023). The finest diamond must be green: A closer look at the roles of institution in shipping firms’ sustainable practices. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(35),84631-84644.

    Wang, L., Yao, J., Zhang, H., Pang, Q., & Fang, M. (2023). A sustainable shipping management framework in the marine environment: Institutional pressure, eco-design, and cross-functional perspectives. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 1070078.

    Yao, J., Pang, Q., Zhang, B., Wang, L., & Huang, Y. (2021).Public health and online MICE technology during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of health beliefs and technology innovation. Frontiers in Public Health, 9,756987.

    Su, M., Fang, M., Pang, Q., & Park, K.-S. (2022). Exploring therole of sustainable logistics service providers in multinational supply chain cooperation: An integrated theory-based perspective. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 1418.

    Pang, Q., & Yao, J. (2024). In the Age of Technological Prowess: Managing Green Transformation of Ningbo Maritime Logistics through Intelligent Technologies. Global Academic Frontiers, 2(2), 22-29.

    Li, X., Yang, Y., & Pang, Q.* (2024). The Trend of China's Money Supply under the New Situation and the Study of Its Implications. Global Academic Frontiers, 2(4), 20-34.

    Pang, Q., Yao, J., & Bae, K.-H. (2021). The Effects of Online Shopping Live Streaming and WangHong Anchor's Characteristics on Consumer Trust and Purchasing Intention in China. Journal of Distribution and Management Research,24(1), 129-145.

    Pang, Q., Zhang, X., & Bae, K.-H. (2021). Economic Impact Analysis of China Shandong Province's Distribution Industry. Journal of Distribution and Management Research, 24(3), 131-142.

    Yao, J., Pang, Q., & Bae, K.-H. (2021a). An Analysis of the Contribution of China's MICE Industry to the Chinese National Economy. Journal of Culture Industry, 21(1), 61-68.

    Yao, J., Pang, Q., & Bae, K.-H. (2021b). The Characteristics of China Mobile Games and the Influence of Consumer Experience on Satisfaction and Purchasing Intention. Journal of Product Research, 39(2), 37-45.

    Wang, L., Zhang, X., Pang, Q., & Bae, K.-H. (2021). A Study on Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention of Digital Cultural Contents. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 21(9),333-346.

    Zhang, X., Wang, L., Pang, Q., & Bae, K.-H. (2021). The influence of china's network video features on consumer subscription satisfaction and continuous subscription intentions. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 21(12),423-435.

    Zhang, B., Pang, Q., Wei, Y., & Bae, K.-H. (2021). The Effects of Consumer Perceived Value on the Attitude and Purchasing Intention of Cultural and Creative Products in the Palace Museum in China. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 21(8), 123-136.

    Qiao, Y., Pang, Q., & Bae, K.-H. (2021). A Study on the Demands of Learners of Confucius Institute in Seoul for Chinese Culture: Based on Chinese Culture Activities. Journal of Cultural Industry Studies, 21(3),97-106.


    1. 专著, Co-author

    《알기 쉬운 거시경제학》두남 출판사.(易于理解的宏观经济学,韩国Dunaml出版社)2022

    ISBN: 978-89-6414-943-0


    2. 译著, Co-author

    《AI헬스케어》三英社(韩国三英社出版社,译自《AI医疗健康》闵栋主编 机械工业出版社)2022

    ISBN: 978-89-445-0552-2

  • Research projects and awards

    Research projects


    1. 主持 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题 1/7 24NDQN127YBM


    1万 在研 2023.10.27~至今


    2. 主持 宁波市哲学社会科学规划课题 1/7 G2023-2-56


    1.5 结题 2023.07.11~2024.09.30


    3. 主持 浙江省社科联研究课题 1/7 2025N052


    1 在研 2024.09.19~至今


    4. 主持 校科研基金校内联合发布项目 1/1 1320241251


    5 在研 2024-11-07~至今


    5. 骨干成员 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金 2/7  24YJC790218


    8 在研 2024.08.01~至今


    6. 骨干成员 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金 5/8 24YJC630181


    8 在研 2024.08.01


    7. 骨干成员 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题 5/6 24NDJC237YBM


    1 在研 2023.10.27~至今


    8. 骨干成员 宁波市重点文化研究基地课题 2/5 WJ24-55


    1 在研 2024/7/26~至今


    9. 骨干成员 浙江省社科联研究课题 6/7 2024N076


    1 在研 2023.09.15~至今


    10. 骨干成员 浙江省教育厅一般科研项目 3/5 Y202351551


    在研 2023.10.12~至今


    11. 骨干成员 浙江省教育厅一般科研项目 4/6 Y202353557


    在研 2023.10.12~至今


    12. 骨干成员 横向课题 4/11 1220241131  


    110 在研 2024.11.19~至今


    13. 骨干成员 横向课题 4/11 1220241127  


    29.7万 在研 2024.11.08~至今


    14. 骨干成员 横向课题 4/11 1220241131  


    67万 在研 2024.11.29~至今




    1. 第一完成人 国家一级学会获奖 一等奖 1/4 20242072

    Digital transformation as the fuel for sailing toward sustainable success:the roles of coordination mechanisms and social norms

    中国商业经济学会优秀成果 2024


    2. 第三完成人 国家一级学会获奖 一等奖 3/4 20242063

    Coupling coordination and spatial analyses of the MICEand tourism industries: Do they fit well?

    中国商业经济学会优秀成果 2024


    3. 第一完成人 国家一级学会获奖 二等奖 1/3


    中国物流与采购联合会大宗商品交易市场流通分会优秀论文 2024